Ishtiaque Ahmed
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Room: 5262, 40 Saint George St, Toronto, ON M5S 2E4
Email: ishtiaque [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu
[CV] [Google Scholar] [DBLP] [ORCID] [Calendar]

University of Toronto:
– Undergraduate Teaching
Fall 2024: CSC 300: Computer and Society (260 students) [Online]
Fall 2023: CSC 300: Computer and Society (260 students) [Online]
Fall 2022: CSC 300: Computer and Society (260 students) [Online]
Fall 2021: CSC 300: Computer and Society (240 students) [Online]
Spring 2021: CSC 300: Computer and Society (240 students) [Online]
Fall 2020: CSC 300: Computer and Society (240 students) [Online]
Fall 2019: CSC 300: Computer and Society (160 students)
Spring 2019: CSC 300: Computer and Society (160 students, co-taught w/ Mathew Zaleski)
Fall 2018: CSC 300: Computer and Society (160 students, co-taught w/ Mathew Zaleski)
Spring 2018: CSC 300: Computer and Society (160 students, co-taught w/ Mathew Zaleski)
– Graduate Teaching
Fall 2024: CSC 2615: Ethics in AI [Online]
Fall 2022: CSC 2615: Ethics in AI [Online]
Fall 2021: CSC 2612: Computing and Global Development [Online]
Fall 2020: CSC 2612: Computing and Global Development [Online]
Fall 2019: CSC 2612: Computing and Global Development
Spring 2019: CSC 2513: Critical Thinking for HCI
Fall 2018: CSC 2612: Computing and Global Development
Spring 2018: CSC 2526: Inclusive Computing